
Shouguang farmers’self built greenhouse automatic blowers

2023-08-23  From: Shandong Gurui Industrial Technology Co. , Ltd. Browsing times:228

[introduction · China greenhouse net] “in the past, the cherry greenhouses in the cooperative planting base used to employ workers to let out the wind. Supervising workers was a troublesome thing, with poor temperature control and low harvest achievements. I didn’t expect an ordinary farmer in the cooperative to build an automatic ventilator. ” Shouguang City de Xu cherry professional cooperative director Sun Defu said. The inventor of the ventilator is Wang Laiquan, 45 years old.

“In the past, the cherry greenhouses in the co-operative planting base used to hire workers to let the wind go. Supervising workers was a troublesome thing. The temperature was not well controlled and the harvest was very low. I didn’t expect an ordinary farmer in the cooperative to build an automatic ventilator. ” Shouguang City de Xu cherry professional cooperative director Sun Defu said.

The inventor of the ventilator is Wang Laiquan, 45 years old. In order to solve the problem of greenhouse ventilation, he went into the greenhouse and made an invention. Unexpectedly, within three months, Wang Laiquan created an automatic ventilator and applied for a patent.

The wind in the shed has become a “roadblock”

Wang Laiquan is a real farmer. In 2008, he began to plant cherry in the greenhouse. In 2012, Wang Laiquan co founded the cooperative with the nearby farmers, and he became the director of the cooperative. Wang Laiquan said that the cooperative’s planting base has 20 cherry greenhouses, which are managed by several directors and employees, and the members’ greenhouses are managed by themselves.

“It’s hard to plant cherry trees because the temperature in the open air can’t be controlled, so it’s a problem to plant cherry in the shed. To control the temperature, you need to look at the thermometer and let out the wind at the same time. It’s very troublesome to run back and forth. The sheds for the members are better. It’s very difficult to manage the workers on the base. If you are a little lazy, the cherry tree may be frostbitten. ” Wang Laiquan said.

Wang Jianming, a member of the cooperative, said: “even if we manage our own greenhouses, the temperature in the greenhouses is difficult to control. The temperature outside the shed is constantly changing. The size of the air outlet depends on your own feeling. No one can touch it. ” Wang Laiquan said that the cherry harvest of the first two years before the establishment of the cooperative was very low, and the yield of each cherry tree was only 40 or 50 Jin.

Three months to build automatic blowers

Wang Laiquan has always been interested in mechanical manufacturing. He decided to try to make an automatic blower. At the end of October, when the weather began to turn cold, Wang Laiquan devoted himself to the invention. Because of his low level of education, he studied around and experimented in the shed.

Wang Laiquan first bought thermostat, motor, pulley and other equipment in the local market. He only knew the function of these equipment, and it took him half a month. He would go to the market to buy what he lacked. If he couldn’t buy it in the local market, he would go to other places to buy it. If he couldn’t buy it, he would think about reforming it. Wang Laiquan is like a demon. The more he fails, the more he wants to make it.

The management of the co-operatives was handed over to several other directors. Over time, they complained. Sun Defu said: “we are also worried that he will put his business on hold and delay his work, and finally he will get nothing.” Wang Laiquan said that in the past three months, he often stayed up all night to study the mechanical principle, and has spent more than 30000 yuan.

During the Spring Festival this year, Wang Laiquan’s automatic blowers finally manufactured successfully. “As long as a temperature range is set, the ventilator will automatically control the size of the air outlet, and automatically identify and close the air outlet in rainy days.” On February 8, Wang Laiquan applied for a national utility model patent.

The yield of cherry in the shed doubled

“It’s a tight year. We only have three greenhouses with automatic blowers. The effect is very good. The yield of cherry tree is about 100 Jin. We really look down on Lao Wang. ” “We plan to install this kind of equipment in all the sheds of the cooperative next year,” Sun said

Wang Laiquan did not stop his research after the automatic blower was formed. He customized software for a company in Zhejiang Province, put a mobile phone in the automatic blower, and now the real-time temperature in the shed will be sent to his mobile phone every hour.

“It costs 1500 yuan to make an automatic ventilator, but the income is very high. It can not only increase the production of cherries, but also save part of the cost of employees in the cooperative base.” Wang Laiquan introduced that this kind of blowers can be used in all greenhouse greenhouses, and I want to promote it to let more vegetable farmers benefit.

Keywords: Shouguang farmers’ self built greenhouse           


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